I am playing with IE's JavaScript Chakra engine.
I have downloaded example code from MSDN and I am trying to figure out how to get the function source when I have just function IDand script ID.
I start profiling my js script and from profiler (IActiveScriptProfilerCallback2
) output I can see what functions are compiled, called...
For example callback for FunctionCompiled
looks like this. I get function id and script id, even function name, but I can't figure out how to find function source code.
HRESULT Profiler::FunctionCompiled(PROFILER_TOKEN functionId, PROFILER_TOKEN scriptId, const wchar_t *pwszFunctionName, const wchar_t *pwszFunctionNameHint, IUnknown *pIDebugDocumentContext)
fwprintf(stdout, L"Profiler::FunctionCompiled: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %s, %s\n", scriptId, functionId, pwszFunctionName, pwszFunctionNameHint);
return S_OK;
I think I solved it.. Here is my ugly ScriptCompiled function.
HRESULT Profiler::ScriptCompiled(PROFILER_TOKEN scriptId, PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE type, IUnknown *pIDebugDocumentContext)
fwprintf(stdout, L"Profiler::ScriptCompiled: 0x%lx, %u\n", scriptId, type);
if (pIDebugDocumentContext) {
IDebugDocumentContext *debugDocumentContext = NULL;
pIDebugDocumentContext->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugDocumentContext), (void**)&debugDocumentContext);
IDebugDocument *debugDocument = NULL;
IDebugDocumentText *debugDocumentText = NULL;
debugDocument->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugDocumentText), (void**)&debugDocumentText);
ULONG lines, chars;
debugDocumentText->GetSize(&lines, &chars);
printf("Lines: %d Chars: %d\n", lines, chars);
WCHAR *text = (WCHAR*)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * chars);
ULONG charsRetrieved = 0;
debugDocumentText->GetText(0, text, NULL, &charsRetrieved, chars);
text[charsRetrieved] = L'\0';
wprintf(L"%s\n", text);
return S_OK;