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Custom types in OpenCL kernel

Is it possible to use custom types in OpenCL kernel like gmp types (mpz_t, mpq_t, …) ?

To have something like this (this kernel doesn't build just because of #include <gmp.h>) :

#include <gmp.h>
__kernel square(
   __global mpz_t* input,
   __global mpz_t number,
   __global int* output,
   const unsigned int count)
   int i = get_global_id(0);
   if(i < count)
       output[i] = mpz_divisible_p(number,input[i]);

Maybe by adding different arguments to the fourth parameter (options) of clBuildProgram ?

Or does OpenCL already have types that can handle large numbers ?


  • You can use custom types but anything used in the kernel needs to be specifically written for OpenCL. Check out this website perhaps for how to implement larger precision numbers: FP128

    Edit: NVIDIA's CUDA SDK has a complex number data type, it's not ideal but may give you some ideas on how they go about it, OpenCL should be similar.