Does anyone know if it's possible to use the handsontable add on with a Sinatra framework? The Gem on mentions Rails only so I wasn't sure if the add on was only made for/intended for Rails.
I would recomend the same as @iceman. Just use the js and css direct.
Most time I sort the files in two folders on for js and css, you endup with something like:
That this folder is named public is convention. From the doc:
A string specifying the directory where static files should be served from. By default, this is assumed to be a directory named “public” within the root directory (see the :root setting). You can set the public directory explicitly with:
set :public_folder, '/var/www'
set :public_folder, { File.join(root, "static") }
These files can now directly included in your layout file
%title My title
%link(rel="stylesheet" href="/css/handsontable.full.css")
%script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "/js/handsontable.full.js"}
= yield
Or you can build a view, where you require you files. And render these view in you layout. (It add a bit more structure)
To answer your question:
Should I actually download source and copy to my working directory and point to them in there or just via weblink?
Have a copy of the used files, just for the case. And use the weblink, because most time it's faster for your user. (They have cdn's)
If you build a intranet site or want host the css/js yourself, have a look at sinatra-assetpack, this can combine and minify your css/js for a faster download.
Update: I've been told that handsontable work no without jquery so I updated my answer. If you use a old version of handsontable you should probably load the jquery javascript file (and before the handsontable js file).