I'm trying to query based on node number and return a list of properties. The following cypher query works in the neo4j browser but when I try to pass the same cypher query via py2neo I get:
"Expected a property container or number here, but got:91"
where "91" is the node number I'm querying on.
an excerpt from my code:
def neighbor_finder(a):
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(url)
query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db,
"""CYPHER 2.0
MATCH (n)-[r]-(m)
WHERE ID(n) = {t}
WITH collect (Distinct m.size) as sizes, collect (Distinct m.weight) as weights, collect (Distinct m.color) as colors, collect (distinct n.label) as node_
RETURN sizes, weights, colors, node_
result = query.execute(t=a)
for r in result:
column = [str(item) for item in r.columns]
value = [str(item) for item in r.values]
db_dict={k: v for k, v in zip(column, value)}
for x, y in db_dict.items():
print x, y
except Exception as e:
print e
argument "a" isn't being read because it needs to be declared as an integer, cypher/py2neo are currently reading it as a string.