I recently switch to Mac from an Ubuntu box and I'm facing this odd ssh issue which I'm not able to understand why?
Every time I restart/reboot by Mac by private key which was added ssh lists using ssh-add keep getting flushed
ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.
I'm not sure if this is a desired behavior of ssh-add
but what I know is I wasn't doing this in my Ubuntu box neither on my earlier Mac machine to the top of it any newly created ssh keys too aren't getting added to the ssh-add list
Now I not sure why the new Mac isn't working like above
Anyway to solve this I have to add my identity every time (manually) like this
ssh-add private-key
Now Can anyone please explain what is the reason for this odd behaviour and feasible solution to solve it
Why I need this is that I have a Capistrano script which
set :ssh-options,{"forward" => true }
and every time I run the cap script it fail because of the same reason explain above and succeed only when I add the private key to ssh-add using the command mention above
Mac OS in question is
Note: Mac-OS X 10.9.2
You need to store the passphrase in you keychain.
ssh-add -K private-key
Hope this helps.