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Wordpress, where to identify the permalink error?

I have a html code which links to the function.php to gets the URL for the a href.

<a href="<?php echo projectTheme_post_new_link(); ?>"><?php echo __("Post New",'ProjectTheme'); ?>

Originally it was working with this url:

Now the link does not appear to go the that page and copying that URL DOES NOT WORK! it goes to the 404.php.

The HTML a href looks like this now:

 <a href>Post New</a>

The other permalink works perfectly fine, I just need to know how I am able to solve it.

Function part 1

 function projectTheme_post_new_link()
        return get_permalink(get_option('ProjectTheme_post_new_page_id'));  

I am Guessing the URL function:

 function ProjectTheme_post_new_with_pid_stuff_thg($pid, $step = 1, $fin = 'no')
        $using_perm = ProjectTheme_using_permalinks();
           if($using_perm)  return get_permalink(get_option('ProjectTheme_post_new_page_id')). "?post_new_step=".$step."&".($fin != "no" ? 'finalize=1&' : '' )."projectid=" . $pid;
         else return get_bloginfo('siteurl'). "/?page_id=". get_option('ProjectTheme_post_new_page_id'). "&".($fin != "no" ? 'finalize=1&' : '' )."post_new_step=".$step."&projectid=" . $pid;  



    Did not realise I have deleted one of the id's linking to ProjectTheme_post_new_page_id Just added the missing id, and filled the other information in, then it WORKED.
