On one of the websites, I found that body
element is set position: relative
and the content inside body seem to be shifted downwards by a scale of margin-top
CSS value set on the topmost element in body.
Why body has CSS 'position: relative' set? Is it intended to fix some bug? I heard that there was some IE bug where we were not able to set absolute positioning of elements.
Why 'margin-top' of 'only' the first element inside body affects the position of every element?
Javascript function 'getBoundingClientRect()' returns wrong value for any element as it does not consider this margin-top value set on topmost element.
1. Why does the body have CSS 'position:relative' set? Is it intended to fix some bug? I heard that there was some IE bug where we were not able to set absolute positioning of elements.
FC: That's not intended to fix a bug, but probably because one the (direct) children of the body element has position:absolute
. Without the body having position:relative
, that child would be positioned relative to the canvas (the browser inner window), rather than relative to the body element. See this tutorial ('Nested position:absolute') for the full story. There may have been IE bugs in that respect in the past, but as of IE8 IE behaves normally when it comes to this.
2. Why does 'margin-top' of 'only' the first element inside the body affect the position of every element?
FC: That is by design. Vertical margins affect the position of the subsequent sibling elements, a position:relative; top:20px
does not. Again, see the mentioned tutorial for the full story.
3. Javascript function 'getBoundingClientRect()' returns wrong value for any element as it does not consider this margin-top value set on topmost element.
FC: That would also be by design, but I'm not sure whether you are interpreting matters correctly. Can you post some code to demonstrate it? What I do know is that you should be careful with that method. See this Dottoro page for the full story, including alternatives.