I have variables x,y,z which form a point cloud when plotted by:
I did a locfit on them
myfit = locfit(y~lp(x,z),maxk=200)
I understand that this will give me a curve that goes through the most dense region of space.
How do I plot this curve in plot3d / RGL?
Use surface3d
. x and y are vectors for the margins and z is a matrix:
fit <- locfit(NOx~lp(E,C,nn=0.5,scale=0), data=ethanol)
plot(locfit) # there is an ordinary contour plot method for locfit objects.
surface3d( x=seq(0.5, 1.3, by=0.1), y=seq(7.5,18,by=.5) ,
z= matrix( predict(fit, newdata=
expand.grid(E=seq(0.5, 1.3, by=0.1),
C=seq(7.5,18,by=.5) ) ) ),
,nrow= length(seq(0.5, 1.3, by=0.1)) ,
ncol= length(seq(7.5,18,by=.5) ) ,
xlim=c(.5, 1.3) )
# grab and spin
I actually find the contour plots more informative, but the 3d plots can be useful, too.