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reading /proc/meminfo from adobe air android app

So if I pop open a command prompt and take a peek at my device's /proc/meminfo, like so:

adb shell cat /proc/meminfo

I get back what you'd expect - a nice long list of data on the device's RAM usage + capacity. But when I try to read that same location from an adobe air android app, using this basic code:

var meminfo:File = new File().resolvePath('/proc/meminfo');
meminfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {

... I get nothing, just an empty ByteArray.

So why can I see the contents of /proc/meminfo from the adb shell, but not from the app? Same goes for other stuff in the /proc/ directory - cpuinfo, for instance. I have no problem loading an xml file from the /etc/ directory, though.


  • It turns out that if you copy memtest (or cputest, etc.) out to another location, somewhere a little friendlier to AIR - say, File.documentsDirectory - then everything goes smoothly.

    Your code might look a little like this:

    var meminfo_original:File = new File().resolvePath('/proc/meminfo');
    var meminfo_copy:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath('meminfo.txt');
    meminfo_original.copyTo(meminfo_copy, true);
    meminfo_copy.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void    {