I'm using MySQL Connector/Python. I have an object that generates objects, and some of those objects generate more objects. At the moment, I'm ending up with around 300 total objects. Given the way I have it set up, that means 300 database connections. Is it possible to connect once and simply pass the connection around?
I envision it looking something like this:
class MyObject(dict):
def __init__(self, row, conn):
self.conn = conn
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# pass the connection/cursor on to some more objects
def getObjects(query, args):
conn = mysql.connector.connect(user="user", password="password", host="localhost", port="12345", database="database")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, args)
row = cursor.fetchone()
myObjects = []
while rowDict is not None:
myObj = MyObject(row, conn)
row = cursor.fetchone()
return myObjects
But when I implement it in this way, I get InternalError: Unread result found.
Well I think the answer is: use pools. Once I implemented connection pooling, I got my connections down from 300 to 10. It basically looks like this:
def getConnectionPool():
config = {
pool = mysql.connector.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(pool_name="MyPool", pool_size=10, **config)
return pool
def getAllObjects():
pool = getConnectionPool()
newObject = NewObject(pool)
class NewObject(object):
def __init__(self, pool):
self.conn = pool.get_connection()
# cursor, etc.