After many struggles I finally got a large project converted over from Maven to SBT. One of the remaining issues, however, is that some of the unit tests in the project use jMockit which can be a bit high-maintenance when it comes to configuring the environment.
Specifically the jmockit
dependency/jar has two difficult requirements:
is requiredIf both of these conditions are not met, I'm faced with the error:
[error] Test <mytestclass>.initializationError failed: java.lang.Exception: Method <mytestmethod> should have no parameters
[error] at mockit.integration.junit4.JMockit.<init>(
I think I eventually managed to take care of #1 with SBT but I'm still having trouble with the second one. The debug SBT logs do not show enough detail about the forked process invocation to tell me if my settings are working or not. But the test output consistently indicates that it's not working. I have what I think are all the relevant settings:
lazy val myproj = Project(
settings = otherSettings ++ Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.googlecode.jmockit" % "jmockit" % "1.7" % "test",
"junit" % "junit" % "4.8.1" % "test"
fork in Test := true,
javaOptions in test += "-javaagent:<hardcode-path-to-jmockit.jar>"
I think the classpath is OK based on the output of the test:dependencyClasspath
sbt> project <myproject>
sbt> show test:dependencyClasspath
[info] List(...., Attributed(/var/build/ivy2/cache/junit/junit/jars/junit-4.8.1.jar), ...
..., Attributed(/var/build/ivy2/cache/com.googlecode.jmockit/jmockit/jars/jmockit-1.7.jar), ...)
So I'm thinking that my javaagent
setting is not having the intended result.
If I do happen to get this to work, my next question is how to get the hard-coded jmockit.jar path out of there but for now I'll settle for a passing test case.
So, how do I set the JVM options used for testing? How do I view/verify what options are actually used when the tests are launched?
You need to change your javaOptions
to javaOptions in Test
(note the T
in Test
is capitalized).
You can check your options by executing show test:javaOptions
> show test:javaOptions
[info] List(-javaagent:/home/lpiepiora/.ivy2/cache/com.googlecode.jmockit/jmockit/jars/jmockit-1.7.jar)
Additionally if you want to use dynamic path to the jmockit jar, you can set your javaOptions
like this:
def jmockitPath(f: Seq[File]) = f.filter("jmockit-1.7.jar")).head
javaOptions in Test += s"-javaagent:${jmockitPath((dependencyClasspath in Test).value.files)}"
libraryDependencies += "com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.9" % "test"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.googlecode.jmockit" % "jmockit" % "1.7" % "test",
"junit" % "junit" % "4.8.1" % "test"
fork in Test := true
def jmockitPath(f: Seq[File]) = f.filter("jmockit-1.7.jar")).head
javaOptions in Test += s"-javaagent:${jmockitPath((dependencyClasspath in Test).value.files)}"