Is it possible set the focus of an input field via a controller once data has loaded (via $resource in this case)?
The input is hidden via ng-show until the data is returned from the API but I can't find a way to set the focus on the input. I know the ng-model name of the input, and the input name which means I could do it via jQuery, but I'd rather do it if possible the AngularJS way.
I've tried a lot of directive examples on here but they all seem to be pre-1.2 ng-focus, rely on a ng-click first from a button (can't happen in my case) or just don't work.
Any tips very gratefully received.
This is a simple directive that might work for you
<input focus-on="!!myResourceData" />
.directive('focusOn',function($timeout) {
return {
restrict : 'A',
link : function($scope,$element,$attr) {
$scope.$watch($attr.focusOn,function(_focusVal) {
$timeout(function() {
_focusVal ? $element[0].focus() :