I have a web form where I have a textbox in which the user will enter the number and pull the information from the table. Now I have developed a xtrareport, where I have to display the data of which the user enters in that textbox which I mentioned earlier. Everything works fine, only I need to just pass the value of the texbox(form1) to the report (form2).
Now what I need is how to pass the textbox value as a parameter to the report and display the report data of the selected number.
here is sample code:
using (var report = new XtraReport())
report.Bands.Add(new DetailBand());
report.Parameters.Add(new Parameter { Name = "userName",ParameterType = ParameterType.String});
report.FilterString = "USER = userName";
using (var report = new XtraReport())
report.Parameters.First(p => p.Name == "userName").Value = textBox.Text;
It is winform sample. But principles are same. Also it is very simple to pass textbox value to webform via querystring for example.