I have data saved as 1¬2¬4¬5¬7 and I want to split them to first response = 1, second response = 2, third response = 4, forth response = 5 and fifth response = 7. They are in the column as varchar(max) and need to report on these. Is there a way to either to split them into 5 different rows or in a ranked list? Not all the columns have 5 parts, some have more and some less so it would be good if the answer was flexible for that.
I'm using SSRS 2008R2 and SQL Server 2008R2
Thank you in advance
declare @Testdata table ( Data varchar(max))
insert @Testdata select '1¬2¬4¬5¬7'
;with tmp(DataItem, Data) as (
select LEFT(Data, CHARINDEX('¬',Data+'¬')-1),
STUFF(Data, 1, CHARINDEX('¬',Data+'¬'), '')
from @Testdata
union all
select LEFT(Data, CHARINDEX('¬',Data+'¬')-1),
STUFF(Data, 1, CHARINDEX('¬',Data+'¬'), '')
from tmp
where Data > ''
select * from tmp