Right now I made a small script to see my actual webbindings on a server.
Import-Module WebAdministration;
$today = Get-Date -format M.d.yyyy
$machine = hostname
function IISRport
Get-ChildItem -path IIS:\Sites | out-file "\\server01\d$\_utils\PowerShell Scripts\IISexport\IISExport$machine$today.txt"
This wil outfile my IIS bindings to txt which works brilliant. I now need to invoke that command to several other servers and save the output file on one server. since the machine name will be diffrent I expect as many outputs as servers.
I tried for example the following :
icm -comp server02 {get-childitem -path IIS:\Sites}
But than the imported Module webadministration is not working, since I only loaded on one server. So I tried to load that remotely using :
icm -comp server02 {import-module webadministration}
without success.
How to achieve that?
This will get the data from all machines defined in $machines
and output to \\server01\d$_utils\PowerShell Scripts\IISexport\.
$today = Get-Date -format M.d.yyyy
$machines = @("server01","server02")
foreach($machine in $machines) {
icm -comp $machine { param($machine,$today)
import-module webadministration;
Get-ChildItem -path IIS:\Sites |
out-file "\\server01\d$\_utils\PowerShell Scripts\IISexport\IISExport$machine$today.txt"
} -ArgumentList $machine,$today
You can of course change the output path( and import list of machines from a file,AD or some other source).