I want to apply an operation to all fields of my Pipe. I saw on https://github.com/twitter/scalding/wiki/Fields-based-API-Reference that "You can use '* (here and elsewhere) to mean all fields." but somehow I do not succeed to make it work. Would someone be kind enough to show me an example ?
initially I have something like
mySource.map('field1 -> 'field1){ number: String => number.trim }
which I now would like to apply to all fields like something
mySource.map('* -> '*){ numbers: List[String] => numbers.map(_.trim) }
In Scalding Fields API, in order to map from '*
to '*
, best approach I can think of is Cascading TupleEntry
, cascading.tuple.TupleEntry
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntry
// Notice I do not specify the scheme when reading.
// I only know first column is 'user_id', the rest is some value and I want
// to double the values. You can use 'map' or 'mapTo'.
.map('* -> '*) {
fields: TupleEntry =>
val sz: Int = fields.size()
for (i <- from 1 until sz) fields.setDouble(i, fields.getDouble(i) * 2.0)