We have Cruise Control build server that runs StyleCop and keeps failing builds. I am suspecting that version of StylecCop on server does not match version that we have on developer machines.
How can I tell without accessing build server which version of StyleCop is it running on?
One possibility I have noticed is when StyleCop version gets out of date, in cruise control build log following message can be found. This could be solution in some cases, but not all.
<target name="StyleCop" startTime="06/25/2014 10:32:52" elapsedTime="00:00:02" elapsedSeconds="2" success="true">
<message level="normal">
<![CDATA[StyleCop is now available.
StyleCop is currently installed.
Please consider downloading the latest version.]]>
<message level="normal">
<![CDATA[No violations encountered]]>