Question: Can anyone, in context to Java EE and EJBs, show a specific DAO class (or more than one) that has two different methods. and a service class that calls those 2 methods in ONE transactional boundary with roll back?
I have an EJB but I want to use it as service layer like in spring @Transactional methods.
1) is it a good idea ?
2) how can I make many dao method calls in one "transaction" in one method? I think I have to make some strategy on transaction.begin() and . comit()? can anyone show a code example please?
Some of the main advantages would be that:
a- all the small immutable DAO transactions will be committed in "one go" in the single database connection made (in single transactional boundries
b- If say I have 4 dao calls in server and the third one fails, since its one transactional boundry, I can do roll backs
c- my immutable DAO methods
will be re-usable
in many other places.
Java EE example:
import com.....entities.Users;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
public class UsersBean {
// Add business logic below. (Right-click in editor and choose
// "Insert Code > Add Business Method")
public Users sayHello() {
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("CommunityPU");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
Users user = em.find(Users.class, 1);
return user;
vs. spring:
class MyControllerClass {
//put something to modelAndView object here and redirect to jsp page.
return "home"; // this will redirect data to home.jsp
//Service class /////////
class MyServiceClass{
//Dao class ////////
EntityManager em;
class MyDaoClass{
/view/myjsps.jsp path to view directory set in spring.xml
Edit - 1 (cross question to the answer for further clarification)
1) will the DAO
itself be an EJB
? or EJBs
are strict service layers
that call other immutable dao methods
(that reside in dao classes).
2) we wont use entitymanager
in EJBs
but in Daos
. correct?
3) how about using @Transactional
(Until Java EE 7 only EJB where transactional and the @Transactional annotation didn't exist.) or @TransactionAttribute
4) what if we use non @stateless. Then it wont manage the daos in one transactional boundry not use roll backs?
RND links:
Is is a good idea?
Yes. That's what EJBs are for, basically.
how can I make many dao method calls in one "transaction" in one method?
You just do it:
public class MyService {
private FirstDao firstDao;
private SecondDao secondDao;
// stateless EJBs are transactional by defaults.
public void doStuff() {
EJBs are transactional by default. You don't need to start and commit transactions programmatically. The container does that for you: if any of the 2 DAO calls throws a runtime exception, the transaction will roll back. Otherwise, it will commit.
Also note that the entity manager shouldn't be used by your service EJB. That's what DAOs are for: deal with persistence. So the DAOs should be the one using the entity manager:
public class FirstDao {
private EntityManager em;
Regarding your last questions:
Small note: an immutable method doesn't make sense. Something (like an object) is immutable when its state never changes. Methods don't have state.