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How to remove the % lines in xtable table output by Knitr

By using xtable and knitr, I add a table to my RMD document and export to PDF file.

```{r, results='asis'}

It looks great except there is a line

% latex table generated in R 3.1.0 by xtable 1.7-3 package % Wed Jun 25 13:34:57 2014

How can I remove this line. I tried to set message=FALSE but it doesn't work.


  • The inclusion of the comment in the final table is defined by the comment argument to print.xtable

    the default value for this is getOption('xtable.comment',TRUE).

    so, if you set

    options(xtable.comment = FALSE)

    then for any future tables this comment will not produced.