is safe only if you're casting a variable that was originally non-const.
Are literals the only data that was originally declared as constant? If not can anyone please give example of originally declared const data scenario?
No, not just literals are originally declared as const. Any object which is declared as const is "originally const".
const int this_is_a_const_int = 10;
const std::string this_is_a_const_string = "this is a const string";
std::string this_is_not_a_const_string;
std::cin >> this_is_not_a_const_string;
const std::string but_this_is = this_is_not_a_const_string;
What's not originally const is when you have a const reference to a non-const object
int n;
std::cin >> n;
const int & const_int_ref = n;
int& int_ref = const_cast<int&>(const_int_ref); // this is safe, because const_int_ref refers to an originally
// non-const int