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Get value set from one tpl to another tpl file (smarty template engine) with cscart?

I need to access the value for the variable set with input tag from one tpl file.

This the input tag i have in A.tpl file:

<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="payment_data[processor_params][enable_addbillcard]" id="optional_enable_addbillcard" value="1" {if $processor_params.enable_addbillcard == "1"}checked="checked"{/if} onclick="{$onchange_method}" />

Based from this I do this in B.tpl file:

{if $payment_data.processor_params.enable_addbillcard == "1"}

But the if condition does not work when the value is set to 1. The body of the if condition does not show up from the B.tpl file

How can I do this?


  • Figured it out sometime ago now. The tpl file needs to have this at the top:

    {assign var="payment_data" value=$cart.payment_id|fn_get_payment_method_data}

    Then one can use further down in the tpl file

    {if $payment_data.processor_params.enable_addbillcard == "1"}

    So I think the answer is particular to cscart.