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Syntax Errors When Importing pg_dump sql file

I am trying to restore an SQL file I created from a pg_dump however trying to load the dump into a new host and I am getting many syntax errors as seen below:

 psql:subscription_dump.sql:3741: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "We"
 LINE 1: We need to see if there's anything else needing
 doing. ...

What it is showing is some of the data from the database. Why is data present in the database causing syntax errors when importing?

psql "service=subscription_odyssey" -f subscription_dump.sql

After advice on #postgressql I changed my command to the following:

psql "service=subscription_odyssey" -f subscription_dump.sql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1

Here is the first reported error now:

psql "service=subscription_odyssey" -f subscription_dump.sql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1
psql:subscription_dump.sql:6: ERROR:  unrecognized configuration parameter "lock_timeout"


  • You're trying to restore a dump from 9.3 or 9.4beta (since 9.3 is when lock_timeout was introduced) to an older version, probably 9.0 or older - before the change to standard_conforming_strings. So it'll be trying to intepret backslashes in strings as escapes, escaping a quote somewhere, and getting lost trying to parse strings as SQL.

    You might have more luck with a custom-format dump (pg_dump -Fc), but your best bet will be to make a new dump of the 9.3 server using the pg_dump from your old version. If you don't have access to the 9.3 server anymore, install 9.3 temporarily to restore the dump to it.