I posted a question earlier and got a great answer but realize I went about my logic the wrong way. Given a table like this:
Bob | 1| 200| 205
Bob | 2| 500| 625
Bob | 7| 450| 850
Bob | 3| 644| 125
Ann | 4| 120| 120
Ann | 8| 451| 191
Ann | 9| 145| 982
I originally was trying to get the max/min values for each unique names and ended up with
Create TableA as (Select Name,Max(ValueA),Min(ValueA),Max(ValueB1,Max(ValueB2) Group by Name)
but this gave me (naturally) the high/low for each of A, B1, B2 e.g.
What I am looking for are the B1 and B2 values for the each of the lowest and highest A values per unique name in other words in the above I need
which gives me the high and low A values and the B1 and B2 for values contained in the high and low A Value records.
(This is NOT a duplicate question. My last question asked and answered how to pull the high and low values for three different fields for a given unique name into a new table. This turns out to not be what I needed although the first question successfully was answered (and marked as such). What I need are the values for two fields from the high and low values of another field for a given name. If you look at the question you will see this is so and the solutions are in fact different)
SELECT tmin.Name, tmin.ValueA, tmax.ValueA,
tmin.ValueB1, tmin.ValueB2, tmax.ValueB1, tmax.ValueB2
SELECT Name, MAX(ValueA) AS ValueAMax, MIN(ValueA) AS ValueAMin
FROM `foo`
) AS t
JOIN `foo` AS tmin ON t.Name = tmin.Name AND t.ValueAMin = tmin.ValueA
JOIN `foo` AS tmax ON t.Name = tmax.Name AND t.ValueAMax = tmax.ValueA;