I have tried and browsed a lot regarding how to set cron job with CakePHP and zpanel
In zpanel I tried different types url
For example
Then I tried a file domain_folder/app/cronjob.php(Worked)
it worked but I am confused how can I call "domain_folder/app/cron_dispatcher.php /CampaignMasters/newsletter_find_cron" from cronjob.php
I am in a really twisted state, I have tried this for about 10 hours by trying many methods.
Any zpanel or CakePHP expert please just tell me the best way to set this as a cron job.
Can I add cron job through ssh in zpanel? If I can add this one through ssh "domain_folder/app/cron_dispatcher.php /CampaignMasters/newsletter_find_cron" Then it would be great. I am ready to try anything.
The OS is CentOS
I decided to go all out :)
Step 1
Create a shell class so that you can call the actions from command line.
class HelloShell extends AppShell {
public function main() {
$this->out('Hello world.');
Step 2
Try the command that you've just created via SSH or terminal:
Console/cake hello
You may have to run this command in your app directory:
cd yourapp/app
../Console/cake hello
Step 3
Create a cron job using cron tab
crontab -e
Vim or your default text editor will open. Apply your cron command there.
* 00 * * 6 php your_app_path/lib/Cake/Console/cake.php hello
Checkout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron to understand how occurrences work.
Save and done!