We have a website which is written with PHP and Oracle as backend database. We are trying to automate the deployment process via Chef-Solo. This runs on AWS EC2 instance.
Our cookbooks include
I have enabled PHP module in apache2, and I can see php pages running on the instance. We need to install oracle extension for PHP. In windows, enabling php_oci8_11g extension in the php.ini file is required. I am not sure what is the procedure for linux.
Also, there is no PHP5-oracle cookbook available. Do we need to write our own cookbook for that? I so can someone please share any resources available on enabling php extensions via Chef?
I followed the steps given here in oracle website for installing oracle instant client for linux (See section: Enabling the PHP OCI8 Extension on Linux)
I have installed the following cookbooks:
Inside ourwebsite default recipe I added the following code
include_recipe 'php'
service 'httpd' do
action :stop
php_pear "oci8" do
action :install
service 'httpd' do
action :start
Explanation: oracle-instantclient and oracle-instantclient::sdk will download the rpms from the url you have given, and installs the client. You need build-essentials for C compiler which is needed while installing oci8. php_pear resource will install oci8.