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ggvis, Error in normalizedPath()

I am running one of the "interactive" examples from the ggvis webpage ( and I obtain an error.

I loaded the ggvis, dplyr and shiny packages.

Here is the code that I ran:

mtcars %>% ggvis(~wt) %>% layer_histograms(binwidth = input_slider(0, 2, step = 0.1))

And here is the output that I get.

Showing dynamic visualisation. Press Escape/Ctrl + C to stop.
Error in normalizePath(directoryPath, mustWork = TRUE) : 
  path[1]="/Builds/CRAN-QA-Simon/packages/mavericks-x86_64/Rlib/3.1/ggvis/www/ggvis": No such file or directory

I am using RStudio Version 0.98.507, and R version 3.1.0; Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit).


  • I just found a similar thing trying to run a shiny app from RStudio.

    My workaround was to devtools::install_packages("rstudio/ggvis").

    I'll put a link to this from the ggvis google group.

    Hope this helps