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Facebook: sharing a Play Store link using the Share Dialog

I share a link using the share dialog from the Facebook Android SDK. My code looks like this:

FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder(this)
          .setName("My app name")
          .setCaption("A caption")
          .setDescription("My description...")

As I want users to be redirected to my app's Play Store page, I put this url in the link. But in that case, the post doesn't show the information I specified (name, caption, description). Instead, it shows the app name specified in the Play Store, with a "download it" caption (the picture is ok).

When I set another link, this issue doesn't occur: the post displays the name, caption and description as expected. Why can't I put my own text with a Play Store link?


I tried using App Links. So I created an App Link object with this:

curl \
-F access_token="APP_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-F name="My app link" \
-F android=' [
      "url" : "myapp://share/1234",
      "package" : "",
      "app_name" : "My app",
 ]' \
-F web=' {
    "should_fallback" : false,

And I got this url:

Now, the post looks good, but clicking on it from Facebook app when my app is not installed pops up a chooser that proposes to open the link in a browser or install the application, which is not a good user experience.


  • Finally, I found a workaround using App Links, which is detailed here :

    I created my App Link object without any "-F web" parameter, like this:

    curl \
    -F access_token="APP_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    -F name="My app link" \
    -F android=' [
          "url" : "myapp://share/1234",
          "package" : "",
          "app_name" : "My app",

    However, I don't understand why Facebook API works in a so weird way. It's a complicated solution to a simple issue.