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Transform and scale animation on a View

I have a linear layout with three images in it. On the click of any ImageView I want to animate the whole linear layout. The animation consists of two animations - scale and transform. I don't know how to perform this animation.

This is what I want -

Image 1 - Before Animation


Image 2 - After Animation


I want to not only animate the View but actually shift the view to its new location with animation. After animation I should be able to click the Images at their new locatoin not the old location.

How can I perform this? Please help me out.


  • I used nineoldandroids library to achieve this animation. I used two animation: translation and scaling.


    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "translationY", 0, -yValue).setDuration(600).start();

    yValue is the the value in y axis upto which I want to translate.


    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleX", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();
    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleY", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();