How your doing? Good! Today I'm looking to use html2pdf. It works pretty well and I can show/save the pdf but I can't do both! That's a problem and I don't know what should I do. I'm using the library with symfony and this code works:
$content = ob_get_clean();
$html2pdf = new \Html2Pdf_Html2Pdf('P','A4','fr');
// $result = $html2pdf->Output($_POST["fournisseur"].".pdf", 'F'); //save on server
$result = $html2pdf->Output($_POST["fournisseur"].".pdf"); //show the page on browser
The commented code works only if I comment the following one... So, do you have any solution to allow both of those line to work together?
Thank you for your help!
PS: it also only works if I add the exit() function at the end, so if anyone knows something about it, may he speaks! :)
You Can Use following method...
$result = $html2pdf->Output($_POST["fournisseur"].".pdf", 'F');
echo file_get_contents($_POST["fournisseur"].".pdf");