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WebGL texture tiling edge artifacts with mipmap

I am tiling a surface in WebGL using a texture that requires mipmap to look good (non-negotiable). Because WebGL does not support a wrapping mode of gl.REPEAT for mipmap'ed textures, I clamp texture coordinates myself using 'fract(texcoord)' in the fragment shader.

As a consequence, I get artifacts at the edge of the texture, since the 'fract(texcoord)' wraps around and hence makes the GPU think that it only needs a low detail mipmap.

If this had been ordinary OpenGL, I could use textureGrad to tell the GPU about the real gradient, but unfortunately this is not available in WebGL.

Any suggestions? I am aware of the 4-tap trick described at but that seems like a lot of extra overhead and only makes the effect less severe, not go away entirely. I have also seen the suggestion in Threejs Custom Shader - Screen Tearing to use the 'lod' parameter of texture, but that does not quite solve the problem (moreover, the answer is from 2012 so there may be better solutions now?).


  • WebGL does just fine with repeat. Your texture needs to be a power of two size in each direction - not necessarily the same. The same requirement holds for being able to use mip maps (at all!) also. It is a bit hidden in the spec.