i am using ftpsclient for ftp file transfer , as it is explicit tls
here's the code i am using :
ftpsClient = CreateObject("java","org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPSClient").init(JavaCast("boolean",false));
connected = ftpsClient.isConnected();
WriteOutput("Is Connected:" & connected & '<br/>');
reply = ftpsClient.getReplyCode();
WriteOutput("Is reply:" & reply & '<br/>');
login = ftpsClient.login('test','test');
WriteOutput("Is Logged in:" & login & '<br/>');
reply = ftpsClient.getReplyCode();
WriteOutput("Is changeWorkingDirectory:" & reply & '<br/>');
<cfset fileStream = CreateObject(
) />
<cfset storefile = ftpsClient.storeFile("LocalFile.txt", fileStream)>
<cfset replycode = ftpsClient.getReplyCode()>
<cfset fileStream.close()>
But its not uploading the file here' the output :
Is Connected:YES
Is reply:234
Is Logged in:YES
Is changeWorkingDirectory:250
which means after storefie replycode is coming out to be "500".
I dont know what's wrong in the code, if anybody can help.
Thanks in advance!
Try executing the PROT command. You can put it after the enterLocalPassiveMode() line
I was able to get it to work in my local testing this way.
PROT deals with Data Protection Level. If one isnt supplied, it sends it as Clear. P stands for Private. Im guessing it is transferring the file not securely.
What does the getReplyString() display? Does it say anything about the Data channel not being secure?