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clojure.contrib.sql syntax help: Can someone give me the syntax for deleting rows from a database?

Let's say I had a table called, "someTable" and I want to delete the row where column1 = "data1", column2 = "data2", etc...

This is the code I have so far.

(let [db-host ""
  db-port 1234      
  db-name "ABCDE"]

(def db {:classname "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ; must be in classpath
       :subprotocol "oracle:thin"
       :subname (str "@" db-host ":" db-port ":" db-name)
       ; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
       ; as driver-specific properties.
       :user "user"
       :password "password"}
(sql/with-connection db
(sql/delete-rows "tableName" [{column1, data1} {column2, data2}]))

I get an error... Why?


  • The clojure.contrib.sql is outdated and no longer maintained. You should use instead - see Github repository, reference documentation, and community maintained documentation.

    With the updated library, you don't need with-connection, you can simply say:

    (sql/delete! db :tableName ["column1 = ? and column2 = ?" data1 data2])