To determine the trend of earth, I need to determine the direction of slope using Matlab. My data is point cloud. In an area, I segment that area in windows and each window selects a ground point. For example, in an area some of the ground points are(X Y Z):
32512033.4400000 5401401.33000000 346.950000000000
32512044.0300000 5401399.54000000 346.850000000000
32512052.5800000 5401400.37000000 346.760000000000
32512065.0100000 5401401 346.620000000000
32512073.5100000 5401399.99000000 346.480000000000
32512082.6900000 5401400.45000000 346.380000000000
32512094.1000000 5401401.41000000 346.330000000000
32512104.5300000 5401402.62000000 346.120000000000
32512114.5500000 5401401.42000000 345.860000000000
32512116.4800000 5401401.75000000 345.780000000000
32512033.7100000 5401409.82000000 347.120000000000
32512035.3900000 5401410.57000000 347.090000000000
32512052.7300000 5401415.40000000 350.110000000000
32512061.8500000 5401409.82000000 348.740000000000
32512065.8200000 5401415.45000000 359.700000000000
32512079.9800000 5401410.76000000 346.570000000000
32512093.4400000 5401409.58000000 349.620000000000
32512105.0100000 5401409.70000000 346.330000000000
32512114.9800000 5401409.66000000 346.170000000000
I plot the surface that passes from these points and figure here Now I want to determine the direction of slope, i.e. from down to up... or left to right or... How can I do this?
First question I would rise is: how did you fit your thing?
It doesn't seem perfectly flat for a first order fit, but if you used
then your answer is in sf, more particularly in sf.p01 (y direction) and sf.p10 (x direction).
If you fitted with some secret function of yours, you can still use the function diff and average in X and Y direction.
%Initialization with grid corresponding to your image
dZdX = diff(Zmat,1,1)./diff(Xmat,1,1);%X direction
dZdY = diff(Zmat,1,2)./diff(Ymat,1,2);%Y direction
You might need to think a little bit if the right answer doesn't come straight from it. In my case (with yourFunction = sf) it works perfectly.
ps: if you're looking for the normal vector, hence giving you exactly the direction, you can compute it this way:
%Normal vector to fitted surface
n=-1.*[SlopeX, SlopeY, -1];
n=-1.*[SlopeX, SlopeY, -1]./sqrt(n*n');