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Raffle price change on input

My Code for mIRC;

on *:text:!raffle *:#:{
  var %hash $+(raffle.,#) 
  if ($nick isop #) && $2 == on && !$hget(%hash) { 
    hmake %hash 
  msg # The raffle now is open. Use !raffle and the amount of time you would like to enter to join. Remember, 1 entry  = 3 PuroPoints!  }
  elseif $2 isnum && $2 > 0 && $hget(%hash) {
    var %topic $+(#,.,$nick), %point $readini(points.ini,%topic,points)
    var %ra $calc( $2 * 3 - 0)
    if %point >= %ra {
      var %p $calc( %point - %ra )   
      writeini points.ini %topic points %p 
      var %i $hget(%hash,0).item, %t $calc(%i + $2) 
      while %i < %t { inc %i | hadd %hash %i $nick }
      msg # $nick $+ , You bought $2 ticket, you now have %p points
    else { msg # $nick Sorry, you don't have enough PuroPoints }
  elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == winner && $hget(%hash) {
    var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
    msg # The winner is $hget(%hash,%i).data $+ . 
  elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == over && $hget(%hash) {
    var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
    hfree %hash

How do I make it so that when !raffle on (number) is put in by a moderator. The number will be the price that a ticket shall cost. At the moment a ticket costs 3. I thought it would be like;

var %ra $calc( $2 * $3 - 0)

But it won't work> Any ideas please


  • Based on your commentes the following should suite you well.


    var %ra $calc( $2 * 3 - 0)


    var %ra = $calc($2 * %pricePerTicket)

    And write at mIRC command the following:

    /set %pricePerTicket 3

    This will set the price per ticket to 3, and you can change it at will.