Search code examples

use boost::boyer_moore with boost::gil

I want to search for a small image from a large one, my algorithm is:

  1. search for the first line
  2. if first line matches, then compare the rest

I want to use boost::algorithm::boyer_moore to do the line searching, it works fine with std::string:

#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp"
using namespace boost::algorithm;

int main() {
    string s;

    boyer_moore<string::iterator> bm(s.begin(), s.end()); // it compiles

the code compiles, but this one not:

#include "boost/mpl/vector.hpp"
using namespace boost;
#include "boost/gil/gil_all.hpp"
using namespace boost::gil;

#include "boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp"
using namespace boost::algorithm;

int main() {
    typedef rgba8_image_t image_t;
    typedef image_t::view_t view_t;

    view_t vw;

    boyer_moore<view_t::x_iterator> bm(vw.row_begin(0), vw.row_end(0)); // compile error

Both of them are iterators, what's wrong with the second one?



  • According to the docs the algorithm uses an auxiliary data structure called skip_table. By default (when the value_type of the iterator is not a char or unsigned char) this table uses a tr1::unordered_map, and this requires that gil::pixel be hash-able. So you have two options: you either change the default skip_table by specializing BM_traits for your iterator (this is sadly undocumented), or you make gil::pixel hash-able. For the latter you can create a std::size_t hash_value(pixel<ChannelValue,Layout> const& val) inside the namespace boost::gil. The following compiles with g++ 4.9.0 and Visual Studio 2013 (and does nothing):

    #include <boost/functional/hash.hpp> //ADDED
    #include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
    #include <boost/gil/gil_all.hpp>
    #include <boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp>
    using namespace boost;
    using namespace boost::gil;
    using namespace boost::algorithm;
    namespace boost {
        namespace gil
            template <typename ChannelValue, typename Layout>
            std::size_t hash_value(pixel<ChannelValue, Layout> const& b)
                std::size_t seed = 0;
                for (int c = 0; c<num_channels<pixel<ChannelValue, Layout> >::value; ++c)
                    hash_combine(seed, b[c]);
                return seed;
    namespace std { //ADDED
        template <typename ChannelValue, typename Layout>
        struct hash<boost::gil::pixel<ChannelValue,Layout> > {
            size_t operator ()(boost::gil::pixel<ChannelValue, Layout> const& value) const {
                return hash_value(value);
    int main() {
        typedef rgba8_image_t image_t;
        typedef image_t::view_t view_t;
        view_t vw;
        boyer_moore<view_t::x_iterator> bm(vw.row_begin(0), vw.row_end(0)); // compile error