Using Firemonkey XE2 , I was able to use the TCube
component to create a cubed map, But I am now wanting a hexagon map. There was no option for a 3d hexagon shape i could find. I figured you could create a THex
similar to the TCube
but I have not been able to do this or even get close. Can anyone supply a sample of doing this?
The shape I'm looking for is a hexagon prism.
I am doing the same thing that you are doing and developing a strategic game with a hexagon map in Delphi.
You have the object that you need in Delphi itself and that is TCylinder. You should set SubdivisionAxes from 12 to 6 (12 is default for this object) and that is all you need to have the object that you want.
for implementing your map I suggest you to check this link as well.
good luck.