I've integrate a map from MapQuest in my Adobe Air app (in AS3).
The map is taking all the screen as I want.
BUT, I'd like to add a "back" button in order to go back to the previous menu.
Here's my code :
var NoumeaNord:TileMap = new TileMap("KEYcode");
//set the size of the map
NoumeaNord.size = new Size(800, 533);
//add the map to the sprite.
NoumeaNord.addControl(new SMLargeZoomControl());
NoumeaNord.addControl(new MouseWheelZoomControl());
NoumeaNord.addShape(new Poi(new LatLng(-22.2758000,166.4580000)));
NoumeaNord.setCenter(new LatLng(-22.2758000,166.4580000),15);
function addBackBtn():void{
var back:MovieClip;
back = new backBtn
back.x = 0;
back.y = 400;
Don't know why but the BackBtn won't be in front of the map ! I've tried with setChildIndex(back,-1); but it makes an error : "RangeError: Error #2006: index is off limit".
Any idea ?
In this situation I use holders like this:
private var bgHolder:Sprite;
private var contentHolder:Sprite;
private var menuHolder:Sprite;
Somewhere in the constructor I run a method that will set my holders. For example:
function setHolders()
bgHolder = new Sprite();
contentHolder = new Sprite();
menuHolder = new Sprite();
Then I just add my content to the desired holder in any order between destination holder and I can always be sure to add my content to the correct "layer";
So just add your back button to the menuHolder:
And don't worry about adding it below the map or out of index, because the map, in this case, would be added to the contentHolder!
Hope that helps!