I'm new to the world of XML. I'm not sure which way to build the XML so I provided 2 examples below.
My question is: Given the XML, how do I transform either Example#1 / #2 to the WordML Result? What technologies do I need to accomplish this?
<Paragraph>Paragraph one.</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>Paragraph one.</Paragraph>
After transformation...
WordML Result:
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Paragraph one.</w:t>
If there is a way to transform the XML to WordML, maybe I can opt to save the data in XML format in the db instead of building both XML and WordML on the fly for 2 different formats.
When you say "transform" in the context of XML, that inevitably leads you to use XSLT.
(Let me also mention that if you are considering either of those two examples as your XML design, it's very bad form to have part of an element name mean something. Example #2 is far superior.)