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Workaround non-themeable properties (specifically asp:Button OnClientClick)

Retrofitting ASP.NET WebForms themes to an old application I have a need to theme an <input> tag such that the JavaScript click event is different for each theme. I replaced with tag with an asp:Button, only to disciver that the OnClientClick property is not themeable.

Can anyone suggest a workaround for this?


  • ThemeableButton

    You have to create a simple class that derived from Button. Then override the OnClientClick property and add a Themeable attribute to as follows.

    [ToolboxData("<{0}:Button runat=\"server\" />")]
    public class ThemeableButton : Button
        public override string OnClientClick
            get { return base.OnClientClick; }
            set { base.OnClientClick = value; }


    Now, you have to replace the old button with new one. Change the pages section as follows.

        <add tagType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" 
             mappedTagType="[Namespace].ThemeableButton, [AssemblyName]" />