i have the problem i have a base abstract Entity Station with Inheritance TABLE_PER_CLASS and three child Tables StationCompany StationAnalysis StationVariant
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS )
public abstract class Station {
public class StationCompany extends Station {
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Company company;
public class StationAnalysis extends StationCompany {
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Analysis analysis;
public class StationVariant extends StationAnalysis {
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Variant variant;
public interface IStationCompanyRepository extends JpaRepository<StationCompany, Long> {
public class StationService implements IStationService<StationCompany> {
IStationCompanyRepository stationCompanyRepository;
Then i search findAll on StationCompany, hibernate make a query with union select. i will search only for the StationCompany entrys.
select x from ( select a from StationCompany union select b from StationVariant union select c from StationAnalysis )
the problem was the hibernate mapping. i think had a problem with the structure from Station to StationCompany to Station... I solve the problem with aditional Abstract @MappedSuperclass classes. After that the hibernate select the correct table and no more union selects.
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
public abstract class Station {
public abstract class AbstractStationCompany extends Station {
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Company company;
public class StationCompany extends AbstractStationCompany {
public class AbstractStationAnalysis extends AbstractStationCompany {
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Analysis analysis;
public class StationAnalysis extends AbstractStationAnalysis {
public class StationVariant extends AbstractStationAnalysis {