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Reducing function call overhead in python

I developed an application which simulates N robots moving in a grid which try to maximize the amount of visited grid cells in a limited amount of steps, meeting in a goal point. It all works correctly, but is horrible slow. It is currently python+numpy+mathplotlib.

Maximum robots there can be have a soft limit of 100 (if it can get higher, it is nice to have).

To do that, I do the following, simplified:

while steps > 0:
    for robot in robots:

A robot is a 1x2 numpy array (x-and-y-coordinates).

The agent here decides what to do. Since I need to switch the tactic and strategy on the fly, I cannot move that logic.

agent.calc updates a robot in place, one after another.

cProfiling it returns the following. Extracting the top

         39014272 function calls (39010490 primitive calls) in 150.314 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 12417735   62.807    0.000   62.807    0.000
   124596   36.882    0.000   36.882    0.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
   113657   30.204    0.000  100.800    0.001
 12417013    6.579    0.000   69.384    0.000
   113700    2.900    0.000  109.769    0.001
 11652363    2.625    0.000    2.625    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
   161849    1.653    0.000    1.653    0.000
   113664    1.632    0.000    1.632    0.000 {sorted}
   114834    1.185    0.000    1.185    0.000 {method 'keys' of 'dict' objects}
   113700    0.695    0.000    1.134    0.000

I implemented different environments for the robots, the most important is squaregird. Every environment has its own distance function, since I intended to use different metrics, i.e. Manhattan/taxicab and euclidean. I extracted the distance function into an own file, since I use it in several occasions.

One can see that taxicab_distance is called alot, since the agent needs to evaluate the distances of a robots four neighbours and itself to a goal point to see whether the next position can still reach the goal and to maximize the distance to all other robots as a optimizing heuristics.

The function does not do anything fancy, just

def taxicab_distance(u, v):
    return np.abs(u[0] - v[0]) + np.abs(u[1] - v[1])

I know that python has a pretty high function call overhead, and I assume that that hits the performance. The {numpy.core.multiarray.array} can be ignored, I think I know what I am doing wrong there.

Distance call chain: agent -> environment.distance -> taxicab_distance

The question is, how can I reduce the overhead of calling the function? I strongly considered using pythons c extensibility, cython, to be more concrete. Will it work? can there be another reason why it is so slow?


  • I benchmarked it with inlining, and it took off ~15sec. In the end, I rewrote the number crunching in C++ and used cython for integrating. After that, it took only 1 second.

    EDIT: cpython -> cython