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How to set contents of scenekit background to cube map

I am trying to set the background contents of a scene to a skybox effect using about array of 6 images.

I have created the array of images in the correct order, I know I need to then use

+ (instancetype) materialPropertyWithContents:(id)contents

However I'm struggling to work out how and where exactly I use that class method to return the property containing the cube map.


  • SCNScene's "background" property is of the SCNMaterialProperty class. So you can directly set it's contents to an array of 6 images to setup your skybox (see SCNScene.h).

    aScene.background.contents = @[@"Right.png", @"Left.png", @"Top.png", @"Bottom.png", @"Back.png", @"Front.png"];

    Make sure your 6 images are square and with the same dimensions.