I'm a rails noob, so any help would be appreciated.
I've installed the soundcloud gem via:
$ gem install soundcloud
Then I added the gem to my Gemfile, and ran the rails bundle install to make sure it is included in my project:
$ bundle install
This output a list of all of the included gems for my project. One of the items towards the end was the soundcloud gem:
$ bundle install
Using sdoc 0.4.0
Using soundcloud 0.3.2
Using spring 1.1.2
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Now when I run the rails console in my application directory, I am able to access the soundcloud module as expected:
$ rails console
Loading development environment (Rails 4.1.0)
2.1.1 :001 > SoundCloud
=> SoundCloud
2.1.1 :002 > client = SoundCloud.new(:client_id => 'b2dab282f8bb29467dcb4f5b27f7c075')
=> #<SoundCloud::Client:0x8972f40 ... (successful results here)
But when I try to use the soundcloud module in a controller or view, I get a page with the error:
uninitialized constant SlideshowController::SoundCloud
Here is the code where I try to use the soundcloud module:
helper_method :sc_get_src
def sc_get_src
@sc_client ||= SoundCloud.new(:client_id => 'b2dab282f8bb29467dcb4f5b27f7c075')
sound = @sc_client.get('/resolve', :url => @slideshow.sound)
return sound.uri
On the documentation page here the first line in the example is:
require 'soundcloud'
However, if I add that before I use the soundcloud module (in the controller, model, view etc) it throws this error:
cannot load such file -- soundcloud
Please help. Is there another step that I need to take to include the module in my application?
Thank you in advance.
Those problems are often solved by a restart of your rails server. E.g. For Passenger:
$ touch tmp/restart.txt
Reason is, that gem dependencies are only loaded in the startup phase of your app