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Downcast from AnyObject to UIImage[] - Swift

I'm trying to convert the results of a valueForKeyPath into an array of UIImages. When trying to do it I get met with this error

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "TToFC9TableView19TableViewControllers6photosGSqGSaCSo7UIImage", referenced from: __TFC9TableView29JustPostedTableViewController11fetchPhotosfS0_FT_T_ in JustPostedTableViewController.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Here's my attempt at the code in swift: The propertyListResults is an NSDictionary, and the parameter in valueForKeyPath is a String

var photos : AnyObject = (propertyListResults as AnyObject).valueForKeyPath(flickrFetcher.FLICKR_RESULTS_PHOTOS) = photos as? UIImage[]

And the working Objective-C version of the code is

NSArray *photos = [propertyListResults valueForKeyPath:FLICKR_RESULTS_PHOTOS]; = photos


  • If you run swift-demangle on "__TToFC9TableView19TableViewControllers6photosGSqGSaCSo7UIImage__" you get:

    @objc : (ObjectiveC.UIImage[])?

    That means that the linker is not finding a setter for photos on TableViewController. It seems that you are using a TableViewController instead of your own subclass that has a photos property.

    Also, photos as? UIImage[] returns an Optional because it is possible for it to fail. You should do the following:

    if let images : [UIImage] = photos as? [UIImage] { = images

    This checks if photos can be converted to [UIImage]. If it can, it assigns it to

    Edit: Updated UIImage array syntax to the new array syntax in the beta 3