What libraries are out there to perform searches in AWS' CloudSearch domains? The AWS SDK is virtually devoid of search capabilities.
I would like to use Amazon CloudSearch for a project to search in pre-existing databases for certain customer-related data for billing purposes.
We already have extensive experience with Solr-based search services, but in this particular instance we do not want to host the search service in-house and already have experience with AWS.
The Amazon SDK provides a decent .NET-based approach to administer search domains. But: Apparrently it lacks any capability whatsoever to actually search for things.
I have found a few attempts to provide a search API, but nothing that works OOTB. Any suggestions or experience with CloudSearch from within .NET?
(Yes, I know it is easy to just chug parameters in a web service call and deal with the JSON reply; a wrapper / library just would deal better with the messy details of parsing etc.)
Supposedly the AWS .NET SDK includes support for CloudSearch now: http://aws.amazon.com/releasenotes/1600390926978863