I am trying to create a button to change a model record attribute from false to true. I'm using a form_tag as follows:
=form_tag edit_goal_path(goal), method: :post do
=hidden_field_tag :purchased, value: true
=submit_tag "Purchase"
It's haml, but feel free to post suggestions with ERB. I'm getting the following error:
No route matches [POST] "/goals/4/edit"
Rails.root: /home/ben/rails_projects/hartwig
However, I already have the following route from resources:
PUT /goals/:id(.:format) goals#update
My controller looks as following:
def edit
@goal = Goal.find(params[:id])
def update
@goal = Goal.find(params[:id])
if @goal.update_attributes(goal_params)
redirect_to '/goals', notice: "Update successful!"
render '/'
def goal_params
params.require(:goal).permit(:item, :description, :picture, :purchased)
How do I get this to work? Or is there a better way to solve this?
Another solution to your problem could be adding a new method to the Goal Controller:
in goals_controller.rb
def purchase
@goal.update_attribute(:purchased, true)
and also add on top (just add :purchase)
before_action :set_goal, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :purchase]
in routes.rb change to
resources :goals do
member do
post 'purchase'
to add a new post routes to your goals now you will have a purchase_goal_path that you can use in your view like this:
link_to 'Purchase', purchase_goal_path(@goal), method: :post