If I have the following query
return Table.objects.filter(Q(cond1) | Q(cond2))
is there a way to know which condition has given a specific row?
You can split your query in two queries:
qs1 = Table.objects.filter(cond1).extra(select={'condition': 'cond1'})
qs2 = Table.objects.filter(cond2).extra(select={'condition': 'cond2'})
Then create a union of the querysets:
qs12 = qs1 | qs2
EDITED: Unions are not supported between querysets with extra()
Then create a chain of your querysets:
from itertools import chain
qs12 = list(chain(qs1, qs2))
And use it like this:
for obj in qs12:
if obj.condition == 'cond1':
elif obj.condition == 'cond2':