Just another task for IT. The question is:
btnSearch: The user must be able to search for a book by entering the books title. Use an input box to get the title from the user. Display the title and the ISBN number
I have the Database with multiple tables, with multiple columns in each. The book title is in the tblBooks table.
Here's my Delphi code at the moment:
procedure TfrmLibrary.btnSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
sBookName : String;
sBookName := InputBox('Enter book Name','','') ;
qryLibrary.Active := False;
qryLibrary.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM tblBooks WHERE TITLE = ' + sBookName + ' ;';
qryLibrary.Active := True;
Its giving me an error saying:
Project question1 raised exception class EOLeException with message 'Parameter Karoonag has no default value' Process stopped
Oh, 'Karoonag' is the title of a book. Please give me a hand here D:
Okay, I found what I was doing wrong.
Where I do the sql text, I was missing the quotation marks for the book. Heres my code now:
procedure TfrmLibrary.btnSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
sBookName : String;
sBookName := InputBox('Enter book Name','','') ;
qryLibrary.Active := False;
qryLibrary.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM tblBooks WHERE TITLE = "' + sBookName + '" ;'; //<--- ""
qryLibrary.Active := True;