I'm using two types of cordova plugin to store image into gallery and make retrieve it back.
My project based on backbone.js
. But the problem is, I got this weird problem last week. The image still can't appear on the next page after I click button. I got 2 pages, first page to store image into gallery after I capture picture using camera cordova plugin. Below is my code
page 1
function onPhotoURISuccess(imageURI) {
var largeImage = document.getElementById('image');
largeImage.style.display = 'block';
largeImage.src = imageURI;
localStorage.imageUrl = imageURI;
<button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY);">From Photo
Library</button> <img id="image" name="image" src="" style=
"display:none;width:100%;" />
Then I want to retrieve back my image in my gallery using imageURI
that I store into localStorage.imageUrl
. I testing using hard corded imageURI
, retrieve using console.log
page 2
<img id="image" name="image" src="file:///var/mobile/Applications/0CD4797D-0852-4C3A-BC25-C35642799E9E/tmp/cdv_photo_048.jpg" style="display:none;width:100%;" />
It didn't working.
So, I try inject imageURI into my view page (page 2) in programmatic way. I create a model and collection for imageURI so i can render it into my second page.
define(['underscore', 'backbone'], function(_, Backbone) {
var linkModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
imageUrl: localStorage.imageUrl
return linkModel;
define(['underscore', 'backbone', 'model/link/linkModel'], function(_, Backbone, linkModel) {
var linkCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: linkModel
return linkCollection;
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'model/link/linkCollection', 'text!modules/link/linkConfirmViewTemplate.html'], function($, _, Backbone, linkCollection, linkConfirmViewTemplate) {
var LinkConfirmView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
var variables = {
imageUrl: localStorage.imageUrl
var compiledTemplate = _.template(linkConfirmViewTemplate, variables);
return LinkConfirmView;
<img id="image" name="image" src="<%= imageUrl %>" style="display:none;width:100%;" />
I follow this site but still not working.
I already doing some research for this issue in stakeoverflow, still same.
Yes, I remove display:none
on my html.
<img id="image" name="image" src="" style=
"display:none;width:100%;" />
<img id="image" name="image" src="" style="width:100%;" />