This is my first trial in translating pygtk
; I have created file on the following dir:./locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/
def apply_locale(self , lang):
domain = "Rockdome"
local_path = basefolder+"/locale" # basefolder is the current dir
lang = gettext.translation('Rockdome', local_path , languages=['%s'%lang])
_ = lang.gettext
print _("Close") # the output is اغلاق which is correct arabic translation!!
but the application still appear in the default system lamnguage EN
; What I missing ??
After searching in pygtk and buider tutoial; I found 2 methods to tell gtk
& builder
How to bring text :
the first from here :
for module in (gettext,
module.bindtextdomain(APP_NAME, LOCALE_DIR)
which fail.
The second from here
print self.builder.get_translation_domain() # the output is "Rockdome"
which also fail !!, the application still untranslated !!
N.B: I guess that
needs to know the location for my local path to search in it not in the default paths so I copied./local/ar/LC_MESSAGES/
which also failed.
the following method works succefully with me >
module not gettext
.locale.setlocale(category , language )
of gtk.Builder
by gtk.Builder.set_translation_domain()
before loading glade file by : EX:gtk.Builder.add_from_file
import locale
from locale import gettext as _
def apply_locale(self , current_lang ):
domain = "Rockdome"
local_path = basefolder+"/data/locale"
locale.bindtextdomain(domain , local_path )
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'ar_AE.utf8')
# note that language is "ar_AE.utf8" not "ar" or "ar_AE"
self.builder.set_translation_domain(domain )
Thanks to Juha Sahakangas on the #gtk+ IRC channel for providing the explanation: For this particular case the locale module needs to be used instead of gettext. Python's gettext module is pure python, it doesn't actually set the text domain in a way that the C library can read, but locale does (by calling libc). So long as that's done, GtkBuilder already works the way you're asking it to.
to avoid locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
should be one the supported get list of supported languages; locale -a
The name of the language should be equal to its name in the output of the command locale -a
; ie. don't strip the encode if it included in the language name, ie:. ar_AE.utf8
doesn't equal to ar_AE
If the language
doesn't supported; we can install it.
To install unsupported language:
sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
how to make glade load translation